
Showing posts from January, 2013

A woman’s du’a for her future husband ♥

O Allah! Please grant me the one Who will be the garment for my soul Who will satisfy half of my deen And in doing so make me whole …............................................................................................... Make him righteous and on your path In all he’ll do and say And sprinkle water on me at Fajr Reminding me to pray May he earn from halal sources And spend within his means May he seek Allah’s guidance always To fulfill all his dreams May he always refer to Qur’an and the Sunnah as his moral guide May he thank and appreciate Allah For the woman at his side May he be conscious of his anger And often fast and pray Be charitable and sensitive In every possible way May he honor and protect me And guide me in this life And please Allah! Make me worthy to be his loving wife And finally , O Allah! Make him abundant in love and laugh...

Always recall the best moment with them :)

Assalamualaikum w.b.t Ain Najiha Miss you damn much sayangggg :'( Miss the moment kita gurau senda kat para rumah merah. Gelak-gelak macam orang tak betul sesame , tepuk tampar sesame , tidur lambat sesame , dengar cerita each other sesame , ngumpat sesame , gosip sesame. Adoiii tapi semua tu berlalu cepat sangat. Eventhough kita sempat kenal hampir 3bulan cenggitu , tapi we act like dah lama kenal. Btw , nice to meet you there :') Sangat beruntung dapat peluang kenal Ain. Kalau aku tak amek STAM , takde lah aku kenal ko eh. HEHE. We always take care each other. Setiap kali dia balik rumah and online , konfirm kitorang akan tegur. Kalau dulu , dia always mesej kalau balik rumah. Tapi tu semua dulu. Sekarang tak dah sebab phone maxis aku hilang ! :( Susah nak mesej. Harapkan laman sosial je. Itupun twitter. Facebook aku deactive. Atas sebab tertentu.  Tweet petang tadi ; Me : Awak sihat ? Ain : Alhamdulillah sihat. Aunty? Me : Alhamdulillah ...

We Raise from Our Past :)

Alhamdulillah , we get to live to see another day in this beautiful yet harmonious world. Lets make du'a and seek repentance. One way the heart and mind will be calm and be peaceful. Throughout our life , there will always be a horrid dream that probably has come true in our life. Let's face it, you don't want to remember it right? Now lets all just try to forget all the terrible things from the past that happened to us, whether it is from our childhood, school, college, university or from now, the beginning and the present of our adulthood. How to forget the past? Just focus on the future and the present. Enjoy all the things that is in front of you, whether you like it or not , still you have to go through it. That's what we called life. Everyone has been given the chance of one life. To have another life mean that we are so lucky He still gives us the chance and hope to make it a better one. "People change as time flies , but the memory may remain...

Strengthen Ukhuwah Inspiring Dakwah ^^

Assalamualaikum w.b.t :D *senyum lebar* 18 Januari 2013 - 19 Januari 2013 , Majmuah Empat pergi rehlah ke Agro Resort , Setiu , Terengganu :) Seriously BEST ! Perrrggghh TERBAIK ! And bersyukur sangat sebab semua orang memberi komitmen yang AMAT HEBAT ! Pengarah : Fakhrul Muiz Timb Pengarah : Farah Aida Setiausaha : Amirul Mustaqim Timb S/U : Ain Najma Bendahari : Fuad Rozib Timb Bendahari : Afiqah Nadzirah KD Pengisian : Ammar & Anis KD Makanan : Jihad & Ukhti KD Pengangkutan : Nasa & Nasuha KD Persiapan Tempat : Hakimi & Atiraf KD Multimedia : Safwan & Aifaa GREAT ORGANISATION ! Give a big clap to yourself :D With their partner :) Haa kau ! Tengok ceghita Setia Hujung Nyawa sampai terlelap ! Siot ! HAHA Tak pernah duduk dalam bas ! Batak semua . Kahkah Sementara menunggu ikhwah menunaikan Solat Jumaat di Masjid Kampung Anak Ikan. Baru sampai ! Semua tengah HAPPY :D US...