the best Birthday Party August 27

SERONOK gilerr ahh dpt celebrate birthday dengan sedare and mare..haha..ape la aku mepek nih :)) thanks k.rabi for giving me the special cake :) happy giler .. fes tyme jd birthday girl kat rumah semenjak masuk Taayah Islamic School ni..hehe..

memang betol la org kate Family First kn ? hmm,,isokey la..kdg2 kawan baek tak semestinye baek sentiase dgn kite kn ? so,hati2 le dlm memilih kawan..aku ckp ni pun atas experience akuh..pape je lahh..aku ade kate kate :))

Fri(END), Boyfri(END), Girlfri(END) Everything has an "END" except Fam(ILY) --> It Has "I LOVE YOU"..♥..
 you all see right ? so, the conclusion is...........
I LOVE MY FAMILY very very much *Keluarga JZ 


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